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Ein Handvoll Bio Mandeln aus Sardinien

Organic Almonds Sardinia

PriceFrom €6.70

We have been looking for an organic producer for a long time and our search has been rewarded. It is never just about taste, but about the story , the values and the mission behind the products. And Antonio Vinci and his almonds fit all of this like a glove. We have never tasted almonds like these in our lives, their crunchiness and sweetness are absolutely amazing.

Almonds are part of our everyday life and not a single day goes by without us holding some in our hands. Baked by Elena, they become a "healthy addiction" and are constantly found in a bowl on our table in the living room.

  • Our way to Antonio

    Thanks to Giorgio Carente (who had given up his business because of personal reasons) we met Antonio Vinci from the small village of Tuili in the fertile Sardinian hills of Marmilla

    Marmilla , a land of rolling Miocene hills and lonely basalt plateaus, is a sub-region in the centre-south of Sardinia and probably owes its name to the breast-shaped shape of the territory, where the hill of "Las Plassas" stands out as a perfect cone shaped by nature.

    Antonio Vinci has been producing almonds here since 2014 and converted his almond farm into an organic farm in 2017. His almond farm covers an area of about 30 hectares and currently has about 4000 almond trees , and is embedded in an unspoilt natural landscape in the hills of Tuili, where it plays a protective and preservative role for the entire area.

    The harvest is always done by hand and the almonds are stored in trays in a clean environment, free from humidity and darkness, without contact with the ground, so that Antonio's almonds can usually be shelled and packaged " to order " in order to always deliver a freshly shelled product. And that's not all: the selection is also done entirely by hand .

    Regionality and cooperation with other manufacturers

    Antonio works closely with other small producers in and around Campidano, with the aim of bringing genuine, natural products to the table, while following values such as naturalness, regionality and sustainability. Not to mention that he was the one who introduced us to Salvatore's Torrone and the absolutely fabulous pasta made with "Grano Cappelli" from Laura Accalai's Selet.

    Antonio's unparalleled passion for his almond orchards can be seen by taking a look at his Instagram account : a love story that is rewritten every year. No wonder we fell in love with it too.

    Explanation of the label

    The drawing represents the landscape seen from the almond grove. On the left is the " nuraghe " of Barumini, in the middle the castle of Lasplassas and on the right the village of Tuili. A beautiful view, unspoiled nature, unforgettable scents...

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