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Corn flour

Corn flour

1 Kilogram

Bramata corn flour


Bramata corn flour comes from slow stone grinding in the Su Mori mill, a quality grown in the fields in Campidano. The corn flows towards the millstones, which are kept wide to crush the coarse, orange-coloured grain, with the faint yellow hues characteristic of the germ. The bramata polenta is then selected by a wide sieve of the tumbler in order to collect the coarsest grains.


Thus extracted, it appears yellow and orange in colour and has an intense taste and aroma. Thanks to stone grinding, Bramata preserves the wheat germ and fibre, precious essential oils and vitamins. It is the basis for numerous traditional dishes throughout the Italian peninsula and lends itself to combinations that enhance its taste and flavour. Ideal for making classic polenta, a typical dish of northern Italy, it can be served with an infinite number of seasoning combinations. This coarse-grained bramata corn flour is also ideal for the preparation of rustic breads, mixed with other flours that provide a sufficient gluten content.




In Sardinia, corn is called in various ways including 'trigu de indias' (Indian corn), 'trigu moriscu' (corn of the Moors) and also 'cigilianu' which means 'Sicilian', as well as numerous other local dialectal forms similar to these mentioned above. The largest-grained cereal of the grass family has indeed ancient origins in the central and southern Americas. However, before its European success, it first passed through the Iberian Peninsula and from there made a wide tour from the south, via North Africa and Egypt, to spread rapidly throughout the then Ottoman Empire. This is also the reason for the other famous name for maize: corn. Sicily, which was a land of conquest for the Ottomans, and in any case ideally directed towards the rule of the 'Moors', makes it easy to guess the origin of the synonyms Moorish or Sicilian corn.

  • Sometimes things are born even before they take shape.

    This is what happened with the Su Mori project, an agricultural and processing project founded in San Gavino Monreale, in the fertile plain of Medio Campidano in Sardinia.

    Su Mori was officially born in 2018, but took shape some time before, when the three of partners, then still children, played in the wheat fields and rice paddies of the family farm, surrounded by nature, the colours and scents of our beautiful island. Of course, they could not yet have guessed that this bond, this carefree time together, would lead to them joining forces to bring a dream into being: the Su Mori artisanal mill.

    Each of them initially took a different path: Francesco, after studying architecture, dedicated himself to the family farm; Marco took the path of business management in the world of tourism; Samuele used his knowledge of computer programming. They were joined by Georgia, a communications expert with a great passion for the products and traditions of the region. Together they returned to these fields determined to create a venture for processing wheat, rice and barley, the very same crops that are grown on their farm and for which the territory has always been suited.

    Thus, the cereals they produce are grown with respect for the best agricultural practices, tradition and with the right amount of innovation. In an handcraft process, the grains are hulled and ground into flours and semolina in the mill. These products are the soul of our Sardinian and Italian recipes, the substance of the country's great culinary tradition.

    "Su Mori" means just that in Sardinian Campidanese: the path, usually a country lane; for the people at Su Mori, it is the path that has led them here and that they have followed with their mill.

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