Pane Carasau Gucciau
Take „Limpidu“, the traditional „Pane Carasau“ from the „Tundu“ bakery, add premium extra virgin olive oil from Oliena, and a pinch of sardinian salt, and the result is this fabulous bread that is so crunchy, and yet moist bread, that looks like an abstract painting, calling you for more, and again.
This is the bread that kids just love as a healthy cracker, and it's the perfect companion on small trips, at home, or inbetween, while the whole family prepares for lunch, but no one can really whithold a second more. It is truly lovely to see little kids with a quarter-moon shaped bread double, triple the size of their hand, biting every now and then and going along with their play.
„Pane Gucciau“ is the combination of traditional Sardinian „Pane Carasau“ from the „Tundu“ bakery, extra virgin olive oil and salt. Made by making use of the natural leavening - the „Sa Madrihe“ - or better known as „Lievito Madre“, using the valuable durum wheat „Senatore Cappelli“, this bread is made out of wheat that has been stone grounded in a mill going back more than three generations, and baked strictly in wood ovens.
This small, family driven bakery in Oliena - the homeland of the true „Pane Carasau di Sardegna“ - gives life to „Pane Gucciau“ by selecting only local raw materials of highest quality, putting them magically together in a craftsmanship you will surely not find again: Cappelli - the stone ground wheat - , the natural yeast, the prolonged leavening in linen sheets, the baking in wood oven, the extra virgin olive oil from Oliena, and most importantly: love and passion
There is an intensive and meticulous care in all stages, which makes „Pane Carasau“ a product of highest quality, that follows the true baking tradition of the unique Sardinian bread.
„Pane Carasau“ is baked following an antique traditional recipe, left leavening for 12 hours in linen and cotton sheets. Its particular processing gives it lightness, fragrance and flavor that makes it truly unique.
This treasured bread is a perfect match for vegetable soups and purées and cheeses, and goes alike with cured meat and other dished pickled in olive oil, beautifully called by the Italians „sottolio“: from vegetables to artichokes, fish and meat.
Stone ground durum wheat of the antique variety „Senatore Cappelli“
Sea salt from the Sardinian sea
Mother yeast
Allergens: contains gluten.
Das ist das Brot, das Kinder als gesundes Cracker einfach lieben, und es ist der perfekte Begleiter auf kleinen Ausflügen, zu Hause oder zwischendurch, während die ganze Familie das Mittagessen vorbereitet, aber keiner kann wirklich eine Sekunde mehr davon verlangen. Es ist wirklich schön zu sehen, wie kleine Kinder mit einem viertelmondförmigen Brot, das doppelt und dreifach so groß ist wie ihre Hand, ab und zu hineinbeißen und mitspielen.
"Pane Gucciau" (der olienesische Name für Pane Carasau Guttiau) ist eine Kombination aus traditionellem sardischen "Pane Carasau" aus der Bäckerei "Tundu", nativem Olivenöl extra und Salz. Unter Verwendung des natürlichen Sauerteigs "Sa Madrihe" - oder besser bekannt als "Lievito Madre" - und unter Verwendung des wertvollen Hartweizens "Senatore Cappelli" wird dieses Brot aus Weizen hergestellt, der seit mehr als drei Generationen in einer Mühle steingemahlen wird, und ausschließlich in Holzöfen gebacken.